Terms and Conditions for HOUSE OF COMICS service

This document establishes the General Terms and Conditions governing the use of the products or services offered by TMOB SRL on this website.

House of Comics allows you to enjoy and have unlimited access to our premium content website. The Terms and Conditions reported below will be referred to the premium website access. The website purpose is to offer a Mobile Comics reading experience. The service must be used with permission of the bill-payer and/or parent or guardian.

Service description:

  2. Service Name: House of Comics
  3. Price: R10/day (tax included)
  4. Shortcode: 31050
  5. Service: You will get access to all the contents available in HOUSE OF COMICS until you unsubscribe.
  6. Additional information:: Network + WAP extra charges may apply.
  7. Device compatibility: Service supports Android and iOS devices, with Javascript enabled Browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, Safari.

Unsubscribe instructions:

To unsubscribe, send a text message with the word "EXIT" to 31050 or contact us at info+za@t-mobs.com providing your mobile network operator and line number.

General dispositions:

The service must not be used to :

  1. to intentionally engage in illegal conduct
  2. to knowingly create, store or disseminate any illegal content
  3. to knowingly infringe copyright
  4. to knowingly infringe any intellectual property rights, or
  5. to send spam or promote the sending of spam

NUCLEO ACTIVE CORPORATE LIMITED is a member of WASPA and is bound by the WASPA Code of Conduct. Customers have the right to approach WASPA to lodge a complaint in accordance with the WASPA complaints procedure. NUCLEO ACTIVE CORPORATE LIMITED may be required to share information relating to a service or a customer with WASPA for the purpose of resolving a complaint. WASPA website: http://www.waspa.org.za/

NUCLEO ACTIVE CORPORATE LIMITED has the right to suspend or terminate the services of any customer who does not comply with these terms and conditions or any other related contractual obligations.

NUCLEO ACTIVE CORPORATE LIMITED has the right to take down any content (hosted as part of the service) that it considers illegal or for which it has received a take-down notice.

In the event of an error in the billing of the service, verifiable case by case, NUCLEO ACTIVE CORPORATE LIMITED shall do its best effort to solve the error, and give a refund in the case where NUCLEO ACTIVE CORPORATE is considered liable.

Subscription R10/day.

Enjoy unlimited games and videos